Best Consumer Engagement Tools for Skincare Brands

The problem you’re probably facing right now is that the consumers you want to engage with are an extremely wise audience—they’re just far too used to looking past even your most beautifully crafted posts, ads, and emails to perform their own transactional, investigative, or recreational tasks.

You can combat this in-built resistance to engagement marketing with a three-tier strategy:

  • Connected, data-driven solutions: Combine and integrate your engagement channels to get more useful customer insights.
  • Personalization: Create personalized content and customer journeys to engage consumers and show them how unique your brand is.
  • Trust: None of the above will work on a savvy audience without social proof and authenticity—so you need to communicate in terms people recognize and understand.

In this post, you’ll see how to finally start resonating with your consumers using a cohesive tech stack of consumer engagement tools for skincare brands. 

The tools we recommend cover strategies like creating brand ambassadors, synchronizing platform data, and using event triggers for greater personalization. 

With this tech stack in place, you’ll be able to create a fully immersive engagement experience for your audience throughout their customer journey. Here’s what we look at:

  1. Social media engagement
  2. Customer data platform
  3. Mobile Wallets & automation
  4. Omnichannel customer service
  5. Video engagement
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5 Consumer engagement tools for skincare brands

See which five tools you need in your tech stack to consistently engage your audience at each stage in the customer journey—so you can get more leads, conversions, and consumers that love what you do. 

All these tools are simple to integrate and use for skincare brands, they facilitate a customer-centered engagement strategy, and allow you to continuously track results and record data.

1. Social media engagement: Spitche

Spitche platform composite showing campaign creation

Caption: Spitche’s social media campaigns are easy to create, helping you turn your audience into fully engaged brand ambassadors.


Spitche identifies your most engaged consumers, gamifies their social media interactions, and turns them into brand ambassadors.

Spitche is a loyalty program that rewards social media engagement. Across TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram, there are a variety of actions that consumers can take (liking your post, commenting, sharing, even creating UGC). It’s a powerful customer engagement tool for when you need to build loyalty and 

With Spitche’s GDPR-compliant opt-in (80% of ambassadors on average also opt-in to our clients’ email lists), you can have a list of your top consumers and brand lovers with their preferences and social media data.

👀Best features:

  • Gamified loyalty programs to maximize social media engagement
  • Deep social media API
  • UGC management
  • Data gathering for integrated CRM and marketing optimization
  • User-friendly interface with quick & simple program launch 
  • Exclusive integration with Primsell

⭐️Use case example:

You could use Spitche to organize a “Skin Care Diary” where users document their skin’s transformation using your skincare range.

😍What our customers say

“After 6 months, 70% of our fan base were new contacts, our social ads targeting performed above our average performance and our Index also grew. Mission accomplished!”

Laurent Dubois, L’Oréal

👉Read our L’Oréal case study here

👉And read about how we do it all over here

Start speaking your audience’s language
Turn your best customers into social media ambassadors and let their user-generated content run on autopilot.
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2. Customer data platform: Squeezely

Squeezely platform showing a number of integration partners

Caption: Integrate Squeezely with Spitche to synchronize customer data and add value to your data-driven campaigns.


Squeezely’s CDP connects all your customer data and recognizes consumers when they use your website to gather insights on demographics, pain points, and behaviors.

You can integrate Squeezely with Spitche to synchronize data, automatically update customer information, and make your social media campaigns more engaging.

👀Best features:

  • In-depth customer profiles
  • Audience segmentation
  • Channel synchronization
  • Journey builder
  • Product recommendations
  • Website personalization
  • Realtime persuasion
  • A/B autopilot testing

⭐️Use case example:

You could use Squeezely to suggest skincare routines and products based on skin concerns and past purchase habits.

3. Mobile Wallets & automation: Splio

Splio platform campaign illustration

Caption: Splio brings together all your marketing platforms and uses highly personalized mobile experiences.


Splio’s Mobile Wallets uses your consumer’s location to trigger push notifications—maybe including a special offer or coupon—whenever they’re close to a point of sale.

Also, the platform automates multichannel distribution using multi-branch scenarios and multi-criteria allocation conditions. So you can deliver personalized messages based on behavior like abandoned carts or events like birthdays.

👀Best features:

  • Mobile Wallet proximity notifications
  • Digitalized loyalty cards and coupons
  • Multichannel distribution
  • Automated personalization

⭐️ Use case example:

You could use Splio to alert customers to skincare consultations or product sampling when they’re shopping in beauty retail zones.

Omnichannel customer service: dashboard

Caption: Integrated customer service minimizes friction in the buyer journey and engages customers with an intuitive consumer experience.

Source centralizes all your customer communications so you can interact across chatbots, email, live chat, phone, and social media from one inbox. 

From your side, comms are streamlined and efficient, from the side of your consumers, no more repeat inquiries necessary and they get to engage with your teams in a completely natural, uninterrupted way, even as they switch from Facebook to Instagram.

👀Best features:

  • Unified inbox
  • AI chatbot
  • Ordering, payment, and ticketing
  • Digital signatures

⭐️ Use case example:

With, customers can receive skincare advice via chatbots and get personalized product recommendations through continuous messaging channels.

5. Shoppable videos: Vidjet

Vidjet video composite

Caption: Vidjet makes your interactions with leads and existing customers dynamic and personalized.

Vidjet allows you to bulk-embed videos to your pages. This means skincare brands merchants can add 30/60 second videos explaining what your products are and do. You can embed videos, add pop-up video widgets, and build shoppable video flows. It’s perfect for consumers who need one final reason to purchase.

👀Best features:

  • Add CTAs and products to videos
  • Video analytics (impressions, views and conversion)
  • Template videos for fast launch
  • No-code app

Equally, you could create a video about tailoring skincare to your routine, informing consumers about an event and capturing their contact information.

Leveraging your top brand fans

An integrated customer engagement tech stack will drive how you engage consumers, provide you with a rich data resource you can learn from, and increase your sales metrics.

But your audiences are highly familiar with most of your digital marketing practices, so you need to speak on their terms and incentivize their brand interactions.

And the best way to do this is with the natural enthusiasm of your best customers.

With our recommended tech stack in place, you can gamify engagement, benefit from UGC to increase organic reach, sync all your customer data, and automate personalization throughout the customer journey.

The future of engagement is C2C
Turn your best customers into social media ambassadors, use UGC to grow your reach, and collect insightful engagement data.
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