From cancelled events & no-shows to waiting lists and mutliple full events


ISC Paris


Higher Education



On social media, our engagement and reach increased significantly (from 727 average reach per post in September to 1119 in November). We know that it has an impact on our notoriety which is valuable for us. For us, the most valuable feature of Spitche’s platform is the ability to design our point system and the automation of online actions points.

Laureline La Planeta

Promotion Manager, ISC Paris


Out of a total 360 students are ambassadors


Of new students come from word of mouth


Spitche brings students, alumni, and prospective students to offline events

The challenge

  • The school had an active community of students and alumni who they wanted to reward for their online and offline engagement activities.
  • They wanted one centralized platform that was gamified and could provide them a way to track their ambassador’s actions, points, and rewards.
  • The prior rewards system was manual. Giving them a mark that the students would then find out at the end of the semester. It was not very engaging, gamified or done in real-time.
  • They wanted to hace a recognition system to follow actions and easily offer rewards.


  • Spitche provided ISC Paris an online, centralized system where students could see their points accumulate in a way that incentivized them to do more.
  • These promotion efforts help to increase campus visits, interests, and enrollment applications to the school.
  • The team at ISC noticed a substantial impact on social media engagement after a couple of months of using Spitche’s solution.


ISC Paris (Campus Orléans) is one of the leading business schools, emphasizing creative spirit, innovation, active instruction, the student life experience, and multiculturalism to provide opportunities for each of their students to reach their fullest potential. ISC is one of the schools that apply innovative approaches in their courses and how the alma mater communicates with their students and alumni outside the classrooms. ISC’s grand vision, backed up by Spitche ambassadors program, helped the school reach its strategic goals.

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